⚠️ Due to financial issues, our free hosted API at https://api.wilayah-nusantara.id has been shut down. ⚠️

Kecamatan (District)
Get List of Kecamatan

Get List of Kecamatan

Fetches a list of districts.


Base URL
or, if running on local
Method and Endpoint
GET /kecamatan

Query Params


name : string (optional)

Name of district. Uses a LIKE SQL Query behind the scenes. This results in district name substring matches being returned as well. Oh, and it's case insensitive.

code : string (optional)

Area code of a district. Using this parameter will override all other filters.

kabkotCode : string (optional)

Area code of its parent regency.


page : number (optional)

Page number to be fetched. This will have a default value of 1 when a value is not given.

limit : number (optional)

Number of data to be fetched inside a single page. This will have a default value of 10 when a value is not given.


Not yet supported. Very open to contributions if you want to add this feature 😀.



We provide a meta object for paginable response data lists. They should be self explanatory, however here's a brief explanation.

  • limit: The number maximum total data in a single page.
  • page: The current page.
  • total: The number of total data that matches the given filters. Not just the number of data present in a single page.

200 (success)

Example Request
GET https://api.wilayah-nusantara.id/kecamatan?name=pong
Example Response
  "data": [
      "code": "1202040",
      "regency": "1202",
      "district": "MUARA SIPONGI"
      "code": "1905050",
      "regency": "1905",
      "district": "LEPAR PONGOK"
      "code": "1905051",
      "regency": "1905",
      "district": "KEPULAUAN PONGOK"
      "code": "3217060",
      "regency": "3217",
      "district": "CIPONGKOR"
      "code": "3217110",
      "regency": "3217",
      "district": "PARONGPONG"
      "code": "3505190",
      "regency": "3505",
      "district": "PONGGOK"
      "code": "3512130",
      "regency": "3512",
      "district": "KAPONGAN"
      "code": "3674020",
      "regency": "3674",
      "district": "SERPONG"
      "code": "3674070",
      "regency": "3674",
      "district": "SERPONG UTARA"
      "code": "5318010",
      "regency": "5318",
      "district": "MAUPONGGO"
  "meta": {
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "total": 12

Filters not matching any data will still result in a successful (200) response. However the data object will be empty.

Using the code query parameter (200)

When using the code parameter, the response will be a singular object containing the regency data itself. This was done because code is a unique property that only 1 regency can have.

Example Request
GET https://api.wilayah-nusantara.id/kecamatan?code=3674020
Example Response
  "code": "3674020",
  "regency": "3674",
  "district": "SERPONG"

If no record matches the code parameter, a null object will be returned as a response.

500 (server error)

Example Response
  "statusCode": 500,
  "message": "Internal server error"